Friday, November 18, 2005

So... Here is the week in review.

Tova and I went to see the final screening of the Canadian short dance films for which Judy, Tova's mother's friend (whom Tova babysat for last week), was visiting Argentina. Some of the films were really incredible, and, to our surprize, Ben Kamino (a guy from our highschool) was dancing in one of them! Also, one of the films was shot in front of a restaurant close to my (Alice's) house, and there was a TTC bus in the film!!! just the sight and sound of that big red bus brought tears to our eyes!! It really is the little things, people!!

On Saturday night we went to "Azucar", a salsa club, which was a lot of fun, and brought back many memories from Babaluu!! There were some really amazing salsa dancers there and we were inspired to take salsa lessons, which they offer every evening at the club. So we might start this weekend with a friend of ours. on Sunday we went to dinner at a restaurant around the corner from our hostel with some friends. Hovever, after enjoying our delicious meals, we ooked to thefloor to discover a cockroach crawling around under the table. I mean, the sight of a cockroach is not uncomomon here, but we are more accustomed to seeing them crawling in the garbage or on the streets, notall over our dinner!!! On that note, I guess I should tell you that Tova and I might have bed bugs or something, because we have these weird bites all over our arms and they itch like crazy, but they aren't mosquito bites and we haven't been in the woods and don't remember bring bitten by anything.... more on that mystery later.

Also on Sunday we went with some friends to Puerto Madero, the posh area of the city by the port. We had never been there before, and it really reminded us of Toronto, just very modern with wide roads and tall office buildings (and pricey!!!) On Tuesday we went with our friend Marcos to a hip hop event... there ended up being like 16 people there, including us, and we left after one drink, very dissapointing, but to be expected in a city where hip hop is not mainstream at all. Tova has started working with a neighbour of ours, Masao, in his origami workshop. She really loves it (and she better, because she is being paid about 2 dollars Canadian an hour!! I think the Canadian government needs to step in here and stop this exploitation!!) And finally, last night we went out to the hip hop club which we love, club Arouz!!! We went with our friends, Marcos and Felipe, and Marcos brought his dad, who was visiting from England. It was crazy, I mean his dad is only 39 (Marcos is 20 like us), but his dad looks about 25. It was crazy, and his dad was so much fun and bought us drinks and was hiting on so many young girls and they were loving it. I mean, woud any of you bring your father to Money or any other club??? We have a picture of Marcos and his dad together, and you seriously may not know which is the father and which is the son!!!

Much love to all of you at home, and congratulations to Rowena on her engagement. We are so happy for you and can't wait to be aunties!!!!

Alice and Tova


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